About us
Yolanda Duxbury

Cooking is a creative process and gives each person the ability to embrace that section of the brain ~
Let lose and get cooking with me and join me in our super cool kitchen.

My name is Yolanda Duxbury and I am very excited to introduce myself and my Nutritional Cooking vision ( The Cooking Kitchen) to you. As a qualified Clinical Nutritionist and my love to experiment and be creative with food - The Cooking Kitchen was born. With each class we try and incorporate skill, fun and creativity and hope each child or person joining a class will be inspired by our passion. Most classes are hosted by myself ( Yolanda Duxbury) but we are very excited when a guest chef visits our kitchen and shares his or her knowledge with us.
As a mother of a 18 year old daughter I fully understand the importance of selecting the correct dishes and choosing foods that children or young adults want to eat.
Healthy good food choices can be fun and exciting and needs to engage each child to want to return next week and be excited to replicate the dish at home.
We live in a society where instant gratification and the fast pace of life dominates and influences our eating.
Our children are developing much quicker and obesity has become a huge problem.
As adults and parents we work longer hours and have to try and be healthy and set healthy examples for our children. Our adult cooking classes focus on 15 or 30 min meals that are healthy and easy to prepare. Joining a weekly cooking class will not only teach you how to cook healthy quick meals but also give you a chance to relax and forget about life for a little while.
Cooking is a creative process and gives each person the ability to embrace that section of the brain. ~ Come and join me in the kitchen and let's cook up a storm.
I hope to see you soon and to create fantastic meals and memories with either yourself or your children.
Kind regards
Yolanda Duxbury